William Holman Hunt ‘The Light of the World’ detail (c. 1849-1854). Oil on canvas, Keble College, Oxford ©Public Domain
24 Nov 2023
Christ the King
Christ the King
The feast of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1952 and was observed in October but Pope Pious VI moved it to the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year. The Pope was witness to a turbulent time in the world’s history. The First World War had just came to an end. Secularism was on the rise and dangerous dictatorships were emerging in Europe and beyond. Today’s world is more complex than 1952. There is no human system that can stop human greed and lies. We haven’t yet fully recovered from the pandemic. People are much poorer and wealth is not evenly shared. Lots of people live under dictatorship and war. Many governments deny human rights to life and dignity. I believe that our only hope is in the just and merciful God who listens to the cries of the people. We believe that God has triumphed over sin and death. God is King because He is Life. The Lord is the goal of human history, the focal point of the desires of history and civilization, the centre of humankind, the joy of all hearts and the fulfilment of all aspirations. Christ is King because He Saves.