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Gaudete in Domino

Pieter Brueghel the Younger  'Saint John the Baptist Preaching to the Masses in the Wilderness' ©Public Domain

15 Dec 2023

Gaudete Sunday

Third Sunday of Advent

Today, the liturgy invites us to the joy of the spirit. It does so with the famous antiphon as part of an exhortation of the Apostle Paul: “Gaudete in Domino”, “Rejoice in the Lord always...the Lord is at hand”(Phil 4:4,5). The joy that the liturgy reawakens in the hearts of Christians is not reserved for us alone: it is a prophetic proclamation destined for all humanity and for the poorest of the poor in particular, in this case, those poorest in joy! The invitation to rejoice is not an alienating message nor a sterile palliative, but on the contrary, it is a salvific prophecy, an appeal for rescue that starts with inner renewal. Happy Advent.

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