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5 Oct 2023
27th Sunday of the Year
The True Vine
Video content created and produced by David Boyle for Christian.art. Narrated by Fr. Patrick van der Vorst
The images of vines and vineyards loom large in the Scriptures. They feature in today’s readings. Jesus uses easily relatable parables which connect to his listeners lives. A lot of care and hard work went into the production of quality vines and vintage wine. Because vineyards and vines were so central to the everyday life of the Israelites, they are often used symbolically in Scripture to represent God’s relationship to Israel and its people. A fruitful vine was a symbol of Israel’s fidelity to God, while sour grapes were an indication of Israel’s infidelity (cf. Jer 2:21). God’s chosen people always journeyed between fidelity and infidelity in their pursuit of faith and love for God.